Condensation on Windows, Doors and Glass
One form of condensation is when water or frost forms on the glass of a window or door. The cause of this is when air that is moist and warm makes contact with cool, dry air. It’s like when you take a shower, the warm, moist air comes in contact with a mirror that is cool it causes the mirror to fog up.
Are Your Windows Defective?
Some people will think that the windows or doors in their house are defective because of the condensation that forms on the glass at certain times of the day or night, but in reality it is because of the opposing air temperatures and how much moisture is in the air.
One Major Cause of Condensation on Windows
With the EPA demanding more energy efficient products and energy conservation, houses and buildings that are being built must meet strict EPA guidelines for energy efficiency. Some of these products include windows and doors, and more insulation in areas that weren’t a concern in previous construction.
With all these new energy efficient designs, houses and buildings have less air infiltration and leakage due to the fact that windows and doors are sealed with more or improved weather stripping and gaskets. Older windows and doors are less efficient and therefore let either heating or cooling escape.
If you recently replaced your old windows and/or doors, you may notice some condensation forming on the glass. This could be as a result from hot, humid air on the outside and cooler air from your air conditioner on the inside or the other way around. Another factor that could cause condensation is the change in temperature from cooking, using your dryer or other things that cause difference in temperature between the outside air and the inside air.
You Can Prevent Condensation From Being a Problem
If condensation on windows and doors poses a constant problem for you, you may want to look into a way to control the humidity in your home or office. A couple of ways that this can be accomplished is to by a dehumidifier or humidistat for your whole house air conditioning unit. Here are some other ways to help reduce moisture in the air:
Airing out your house.
Using the exhaust fans when taking a shower, cooking or when doing laundry.
Changing your windows, doors or glass to insulated (thermopane) glass.
There is another matter that you may want to look into as well. Have your house or office checked out for excessively high moisture levels. This could be from a leak that occurs during a rainstorm. If water is getting in to the walls, you may not notice it at first because the leak may have the opportunity to flow to different parts of the wall before building up and leaking through the wall.
This will cause the air in your house or office to contain more moisture than normal. It could also cause mold growth in the walls which may cause you or others to become ill. People that are allergic to mold will suffer asthma attacks or have difficulty breathing or other illnesses.
If you suspect this, you should have a professional do an assessment on your home. Another preventative measure that will help avoid mold growth is to make sure that the water from the condensation on windows doesn’t run down into the wall.
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(239) 288-0521 email: assistant@agpfl.com